Friday, February 11, 2011

The Magician With Short-term Memory Loss

I'd like to say some words about some people I know. Though I am hesitant to talk behind anyone's back, I would be willing to say these things to their faces, so I feel okay about it.
So, I'm listening to one of these people lamenting over his poorness and his current lack of funds. At one point, this guy says he has $9 in his bank account.
And yet this man works at one of the highest-paying jobs in low-skill labor. Where does his money go if it has appeared to disappear so suddenly?

I posit that this is analogous to a magician with short-term memory loss who goes, "Watch me make this rabbit disappear." and then moments later, "What happened to my rabbit?"
  Allow me to draw you a picture:
"Oh, I don't shop at Wal-Mart because I don't agree with them."- Our magician.
He buys organic food (albeit primarily supported by food stamps), a somewhat ironic move if you consider his other habits. Namely, he, on a daily basis, engages in a mass of cigarettes, hard liquor and beer consumption.
  Now, I'm not against having a good time, but couple this with the fact that he rarely, if ever, saves from his paycheck. When an unexpected financial emergency arose, he had nothing to fall back on.

This is the life of the magician with short-term memory loss. He has engaged in irresponsible (bordering on nonexistent) money management and yet becomes shocked when he ends up with no money. I'm not saying that this is a bad way to live your life (though it is not one I agree with), but if you are living it, don't be surprised by the results.

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